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Whoa! Speed Racer.. 

This page will be available to you once we reach that day of the Challenge. 

I love your excitement. So in the meantime you can choose 2 or 3 of these things to do now... 

20 Squats
15 Bicycle Crunches
 10 Push Ups
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Tricep Dips
25 Sumo Squats
25 Jumping Jacks
5 Straight Leg Jacknifes
10 Lateral Lunges
60 secs. Jump Rope in Place
15 Crunches
5 Burpees
10 Incline Push Ups
15 Straight Leg Raise
20 Walking Lunges
Read 20 mins of a motivational Book
Wash, Fold and Put Away 2 Loads of Laundry
Vacuum 3 Rooms of your house
Organize your closet
Wash all dishes and put away
Get out your workout clothes for tomorrow
Get out your workout clothes for tomorrow
Take a Hot Bath
Wash all dishes and put away
Write out 3 things you love about your sigificant other on a piece of paper where they will see it 
Write out 3 things you're grateful for
Tell your children or parents how much you appreciate them when they get home or in a phone call or a note

Prep Meals for the next 3 Days

Write out 3 things you love about yourself and leave by your bed so you read them first thing when you wake up tomorrow

*If you don't know how to do some of these exercises... Type the Exercise into Google along with the word video. A video should come up showing you how to do it.  Example: Sumo Squats Video

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