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Treadmill Routines


On my Journey  losing 92 lbs. going from 210 lbs to 118 lbs.  over 40% Body Fat to 15% Body Fat  I added extra cardio. I did this because it was a way for me to escape and reflect on my reason WHY I wanted to lose weight. So now I'm bringing my love of cardio to you. You might Hate cardio you might love cardio.  Either way when you put it to music the time seems to go by much quicker. So I hope you find these Treadmill Routines help push you closer to your goals.  I've also created a Playlist you can follow on Spotify. These are the songs that go with the Treadmill Routine in order so you can hit Play and GO! If you don't have Spotify use whatever you normally use to listen to music.  I'm not endorsed by Spotify I just love using it. 


If you don't have  a Treadmill No Worries.... Plug in your headphones and Walk/Jog/Run outside.  Use this gauge for each Speed. 


3.0 mph =  Normal paced Walk 

4.0 mph =  Fast Walk 

5.0+ mph = Jog/Run 


Thanks for visiting! Make sure you Check out my 21 Day Fat Flush Challenge to experience true Food Freedom while losing belly fat and toning the legs thighs and booty. ---> Click for 21 Day Fat Flush Info. 










Scroll Down To Find Each Playlist Link

Follow Playlist here: Volume 7

Follow Playlist here: Volume 6 

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